
Tuva on Rye

  • Type mp3 | Uploaded Wed, 16 May 2007 13:44:09 -0400
  • File size 4,370.48 Kylobytes | Track # 1
  • Year 1998 | Album The Ladder
  • Genre Other | Comments

    This upbeat track features innovative harmonic overtone singing, piano and full rhythm section. It was first performed as a vocal solo at the Int'l Symposium of Throat Singing in Tuva, Russia.

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Harmonic overtoning allows one to produce two or more pitches
simultaneously from a single voice. It is the western version
of throat singing originating in central Asia.

Kiva has been teaching this technique for 16 years to hundreds of
students, including the following venues:

KIEKU Throat Singing Festival, Helsinki, Finland,
Worlds of Music School, Toronto, ON,
World Sound Ecology Seminar, Halliburton, ON,
Manitoba Legislature, Winnipeg, MB,
Trent University, Peterborough, ON,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON,
Womyn in Spirituality Edmonton (WISE), Edmonton, AB

Kiva was the only female foreigner invited to perform at the
International Symposium of Throat Singing in Tuva, Russia, ‘95.
She appeared as a judge in the documentary 'Genghis Blues'.


-Acquiring a new tool for vocal expression and improvisation
-Increasing breath capacity
-Opening up a wider palette of tonal colour
-Developing the inner ear for a more focused bodily awareness
-Deepening brain wave states, similar to effects of meditation
-Increasing concentration levels

The 2 part course contains enough information to keep one
occupied for years. The class structure follows a logical
progression, adding elements until you are singing 2 pitches at
once. Then, variations and exercises are introduced for future
development as one gains control through practice.For example,
rapid counterpoint and harmonic yodelling. The ability
to identify intervals is an asset.


The fall '07 sessions are as follows: Choose from
Sun, Sept 9th (part 1)
Sun, Sept 23rd (part 2)
Sat, Sept 15th (part 1)
Sat, Sept 29th (part 2)

All sessions run from 2-4 pm.

There will be optional parts 3 and 4, taking place in a high rise stairwell in downtown Vancouver. A certain degree of overtone mastery will be ideal, but not mandatory. For the most part the emphasis will be on vocal expression in the form of improvised vocables (imaginary language). If anyone has a scheduling conflict, they may book the private introductory level at any time, and attend parts 3 and 4 when convenient. (Dates for the stairwell sessions to be announced later).

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Member since:
Oct 14 2006
Active over 1 month ago
Phone number:
604 255 2446