
Trains N' Thunder

  • Type mp3 | Uploaded Wed, 19 Sep 2012 06:50:26 -0400
  • File size 2,768.22 Kylobytes | Track # 1
  • Year 2012 | Album N/A
  • Genre Metal | Comments

    Trains N' Thun­der by Romeo Ran­court
    Thun­der Bay, On­tario, Cana­da, Romeo Ran­court is the Orig­i­nal Own­er Artist and Song Writ­er for this very song "Trains N' Thun­der" cre­at­ed and record­ed in 2012 post­ed in YouTube. Romeo Ran­court is present­ly free­lancer as an Un­signed Artist.

    Subscribe to my channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/Rancourt100

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Rhythm Guitar, Bass Guitar.


Attention Thunder Bay:

Looking for some serious musician's for 2016 for WolfPlay new band hopefully all from Thunder Bay Ontario Canada region. I now have 32 original songs written and ready for recording and as we speak I'm looking for a bass player and a rhythm guitar player and if interested please drop me a line...

For further contact, look me up Rancourt100 in your google search...

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Nov 16 2010
Active over 1 month ago
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