Paul Henry Dallaire

Death of the New York Central #2

  • Type mp3 | Uploaded Wed, 21 Oct 2015 10:59:38 -0400
  • File size 3,689.90 Kylobytes | Track # 2
  • Year 2014 | Album Songs of what I am
  • Genre Country | Comments

    It's about a train who operated in Eastern Canada till the late 60's. It had now been defunct and out od commission.
    Country Orval Prophet told me all about it as he lived in Edwards,Ontario and he knew all the personnel who worked on the train.
    So I wrote a song about it with real names of people involved in it's operation.

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I now have a song covering the credits in the movie WALESA Man of Hope out of Poland and is also on the world wide Sountrack.
The song is "A song for Lech Walesa"

I recently did a small 2 song personal appearance with my sister Elise at the Paul Ryan auditorium in Toronto.
I sang the song which is the epilogue in the movie WALESA Man of Hope called "A song for Lech Walesa" and "The other way Christian Soldier" it's on
It was a lot of fun and the Consulate General Grzegorz Jopkiewicz of the Republic of Poland in Toronto came on stage and gave me a gift autographed personally by Lech walesa and the Andre Wazjac the producer of the film..
Yes I was a humbled.

Screen name:
Paul Henry Dallaire
Member since:
Apr 23 2014
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Moderately Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100


D-28 Frankenstein Martin flat-top rhythm guitar