

Band to Join, Bass Guitar, Drums, Other.


I am a 42 year old songwriter/guitarist/singer. I have been writing songs for about 20 years but never made the jump professionally. One year ago, I decided to make the decision to write songs. I am in the process of building recording equipment to complete the songs I have. Should be completed within 2 months. I have 25 complete songs written with all accompaniements and a lot more to come. The majoritiy of the songs have been written in the past 4 months. I write very melodic yet difficult range for a high tenor male singer which is my natural singing voice.(Lots of movement and register switches) I write unique yet common chord harmonies underneath the vocal melodies to give my music an interesting yet commercial blend. Will post more when everything comes together. Please join me at Burns

Screen name:
Member since:
Feb 03 2011
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Just for Fun
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week


I enjoy all music. There is nothing I do not like. I can always find something within the music that I enjoy. Heavily influenced by the Beatles, late 70's rock (ala Boston, Journey, Styx), 80's metal and pop rock, 90's and present day rock (Nickelback, etc..) I have a classical background from studying classical guitar (possess a B.A. in music)where I also studied Jazz guitar (2 years) I have also played with classic and present day local rock, metal, dance and country acts in the Northern Ontario and Southern Ontario regions.

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Acoustic Guitar:
Vocalist - Tenor:
Bass Guitar:
Background Singer:
Other Percussion:


Here is the latest list...This is what I am using to record demos...Casio CTK-2000 keyboard...mbox2 (Pro Tools 7/Windsows)...Behringer C-1 microphone...Behringer Tube Ultragain MIC200...Squier telecaster electric guitar...Ibanez acoustic guitar...borrowing a gibson bass guitar...more equipment coming...Andy



Past Events

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